What the AEC industry wants from future design tools

Written by Aaron Perry, Head of Digital Design at Allford Hall Monaghan Morris, and Andy Watts, director of design technology at Grimshaw

This must read report details what the AEC industry wants from future design tools, covering everything from data framework, context and scale, responsible design, and modular construction, to user experience, modelling capabilities, automation, intelligence, deliverables and more.

Watch the NXT DEV presentations from Aaron Perry and Andy Watts

NXT DEV 2023 – watch the video on NXTAEC.com

Aaron Perry, talking on behalf of a collective of medium-to-large AEC firms, gives a masterful presentation as he introduces the ‘Future Design Software Specification’.

NXT DEV 2024 – watch the video on NXTAEC.com

Andy Watts gives an important update on the specification, then hands over to Allister Lewis, ADDD, to talk about benchmarking software against the specification.

The post Future of AEC Software: Special Report appeared first on AEC Magazine.

Source: AEC